Youth Engagement Summit Y.E.S.
Amazing conference with great speakers and inspiring talks!

I was lucky to be chosen to attend this summit, meeting the delegates from Vietnam, Philipine, Thailand, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar and S'pore.
Delegates are lucky enough to be sponsored by Airaisa and Sime Darby for their accomodation and food during the summit, free flight from their country and RM100 for dinner.
We were staying in Ancasa and Malayan Hotel at Petaling Street (too bad I got Malayan Hotel, the condition is not nice, I even saw cockcroache there!!!) and Y.E.S. was held in Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC).

My roommate is a lovely vietnamese girl named Nhi^^

Others delegates seemed hype up to be in Malaysia but Malaysian youths were sitting there 'calmly and peacefully' as we were in MALAYSIA. lol~
And yaa, for the second day when all the buses were doing to leave PICC, 2 buses were chosen to have dinner with all the corporates served by Golden Horse Palace.. and I was one of them, wow! but actually the food is not delicious though, haha..

The emcee of Y.E.S. was Lorraine Hahn, she is so so elegant and beautiful.. decent.. friendly.. I managed to take photo with her!

Anyway, the highlight of the summit was the talk by Tony Fernandez, he was the CEO of Airasia, sharing his experience and he was a humourous man. He likes to say "eeerrrrrrrrrrr" with a long pause for the funny part.. LOL.. If u gt a chance to hear his story, the only word will be 'AMAZING'.. on how he committed in this low cost airline business.

Donald Trump, giving his talk from Trump Tower through satellite, OMG.. DONALD TRUMP, with his famous quote 'you are FIRED!!!', and we burst into laughter when he said 'life is tough, life is nasty, life is mean, when somebody scr*wed you up, scre*w him back!' WOW~!!!! COOL

We also had Biz Stone (co-founder of Twitter), Randi Zuckerberg (marketing director for facebook) to light up the day.. They even invited former minister of China and India for a forum to talk about the development in their country. Amazing part, somebody complained to Ms. Randi abt the new newsfeed and layout, and, somebody questioned why China blocks Facebook but lol~ the minister didnt even know what is facebook~ And Garry Kasparov, the Russian living legend of chess to talk about success, Dr. Mamphela Ramphele, former managing director of World Bank to enlighten us on what are ethic and morality. Nevertheless, David Magliano told us on how London had beaten other countries to host Olympic Games 2012.

Here come the part that i like most, a talk by Nando Parrado, survivor of plane crash in Andes for 72days. He was 18 years old and going to represent his country on rugby game but they never reach the destination. Just one day before the game, he knew there're few places left for the flight, he was so excited and calling both his sis n mom to join them. He was in dilemma aft the death of his sis, mom and best friends, blaming fate..
But his father told him this, 'Nando, in life, if we look back, thr are just pain and suffer. We must look forward, go get the girl that you love and start your family. Never wait. Just like your father, I never expect this chapter in my life, I have so many thgs that havent told your mother but now they were gone.'
And we were so touch when Mr. Nando told us the only thing that kept him alive in Andes was his father. Every step he has taken, he knew, he was one step nearer to his father.
Touching and inspiring talk. Tears rolled down our cheeks when he described the painful incident in Andes.

Here are my best buddies throughout the summit~

Next year, it will be held in Indonesia and hope to get the chance to go~ Thumbs UP.. U guys out thr must not miss it~Try to seize the chance!!!
Great talk...
OMG... how i wish i could be there!!! didnt got my chance for the sponsor :(
Wish to go nxt year^^ Indonesia..
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