Tik tok, Monday blues. Had a boring weekend with assignments and songs. Although I went shopping on Thurs and karaoke on Fri. What's wrong with me.... ish... bored bored.. Should learn to LOVE this isolated K17 more! That day a girl got on K17 bus but she was telling me she wana go K16, I told her this is the wrong bus then she said, "I thought K16 should be near to K17?" =.=
So since I am so free today, I should blog on K17, the so called most well equipped and beautiful college in UPM, located beside Hospital Serdang.

The photo is cool right? But dun be cheated by the lights, but I have to praise the person that captured this photo.. Fuiyoh...
Anyway, the problem here is the transportation, If you want to go main campus for meeting, e.g. 10am, you have to go out 10 minutes early for 9.30am bus and you will arrive 15 min earlier for the meeting. After meeting, you have to WAIT for the bus, the time consumed depends on your luck. Sometimes you might meet some crazy drivers who simply scold people or let you down at guard house, ask you go all the way back to your block.
But one thing good here, I think pak guards in K17 are better than main campus as they will smile at you and let your car pass without talking much (it's dangerous actually, simply let ppl go. LOL). That day I went to main campus and the guard there asked us where are we heading, we said Fakulti xxxx ( I forget dy) then he suddenly get mad and said, "cakap saje la, ape susah?" CRAZY, saya tengah cakap la, apa masalah dengan you? Andropause? what's so hot tempered ni???
People will say, so good arr, beside hospital, you can go there when you are sick la??
Students in main campus think we are very lucky, to have all the facilities here, so called 'apartment style' hostels, library, tennis court, badminton court, basketball court, jogging track, etc. And we are near to Bukit Ekspo.
Okay la, actually we shouldn't complain much but still in Chinese proverb, I would say "dogs won't sh*t, birds won't lay egg and grass won't grow here". Everyday, we have to pass by the 'bridge' and walk to faculty (it's convenient actually, can wake up late), and see the same persons (only 6 courses been offered, not many students here). So round and round, you will see all the familiar faces everyday.
That's all about K17, I should love K17, eeyer. Assignments are waiting for me...
A well written post. The driver part is damn funny wei. Cos I just got scolded last Thurs. He scolded non stop from old flat bus stop until K17. Wah, never felt such pain on my ears leh. LOL.
Yalo yalo, very difficult to meet nice bus drivers esp in K17.. Sweat =.=
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