While I was happy sms-ing, my friend who was sitting beside me showed me a weird smile and squinted to the direction of the Indian guy. So I just turned my head, a quick glance.
Hell, he was so enjoy there, doing and playing with one of his precious body parts. SUCH A SCENE, FREE SHOW. Pathetic one. Yes, mastur***e.
Not frightened but had an alarming dangerous sense, afraid he could not control himself by a mere DIY. There were only 3 girls in this bus stop included one malay girl beside the Indian guy. We dare not to yell (afraid will provoke him) or leave (put the malay girl in danger) since he was just doing his business there QUIETLY.
I guess he purposely chose this bus stop because behind there is MEDICINE and HEALTH SCIENCES Faculty. The students study about anatomy and physiology kind of things so we do understand his biological sexual need BUT psychologically and sociologically, he is INSANE.
Another 2 malay girls came. He finished his business and smoke.
Rapid reached after 20 min, he seemed uninterested. We quickly got on to Rapid since the malay girls wanted to go KTM Serdang. Afraid to meet the guy again, we changed our route to Times Square directly.
1st kns thing, no Pan Mee

2nd, no showing of Valentine’s Day so we watched 72 Tenants of Prosperity
3rd, no dining at The Ship. It was getting late and I had to ‘ Tapao’ for my lovely housemates so we were lazy to walk to The Ship. We stood in front of the directory board *speechless* The restaurants in Times Square are really s*cks. We cincai had our dinner in Food and tea. Oily fried rice with half-cooked chicken. *Yucks* Not to mention the Korean food we ate in the afternoon, the Kimchi Ramen which cost RM15 is actually INSTANT NOODLES. Wt*
A real kns day. Haih~ So I showed this face >.< specially to this friend. Ya, it's you. YOU. Don't laugh.
This is the 2nd time which I met abnormal and pervert guy. The first time was in a restaurant during my course CNY reunion dinner, the guy followed my friend and I to the female toilet
Well, anyway, we are safe. Glad. Phew.
heyy, I even saw one insane fella smiled like a madman everytime when he saw a pretty girl passed by. Lose control edi.
Haha. My gosh. Better be careful with this kinda of ppl
yalo yalo.. many siao lang nowadays =.= sweat.
wah, glad to know u r safe.
我想是放飛機的后果吧,哈哈! ;p
hey thenghui.. so bad......... LOL
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