Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Big Fat Lady Stucks at MSN

"A new version of MSN is available"

Okay it's my bad to ignore it. I've this message popped out from MSN few days ago and I ignored it. Well, so I don't know whether it's kind a revenge, something wrong with my MSN yesterday.

WINK, yaya, you guys know WINK right? Initially I was chatting with my friend and she on webcam because wanna' show her little cute cousin and say 'hello' to me. Well, it's my bad, I wanna play with her and show her that "big fat laughing lady" wink. And guess what, the lady stuck in the middle of my conversation window for whole night. Although it blocks some of the words but I found it funny so I continue to IGNORE it without doing anything. It just won't gone until I close the chat box. LOL

Also refer to my older post on FACEBOOK MADE A JOKE ON ME. LOL

So NOW, I'm installing the new version of MSN =D


Chin Ling said...

haha, maybe flash player bug.. :P

SiMon Har said...

LOL! maybe she wants u to stop msn-ing XD

Koh Kian Fai said...

I dun use msn now, I got kena a big lips stuck there forever . . .

SuFang (Careen) said...

@Chin Ling: Haha, duno XD
@Simon: Omg, I cant't stop Msn LOL
@Kian Fai: R u serious? Nah, playing lips with who? LOL