Malaysia's premier outdoor garden and flower showcase is once again held at the Waterfront, Precinct 2, putrajaya. The theme for this year is "Roses are Forever". Very romantic huh? *heart melting*
I went there on the first day and it's really crowded there with lotsa people and of course bulky DRLRs. It's encompasses a wide vicinity of indoor and outdoor compound. Trust me, I just walked for around 1/5 of the route and can't tahan because the weather is too hot! Lotsa activities are included in the itinerary such as indigenous performance, graffiti drawing demonstration, photography competition (I think passed already) and etc etc!!!
Sadly to say I just took few photos because too many visitors there and I really lazy to rebut taking photos with them :P
I don't think "Roses are Forever" anymore.. See all the rose petals on the floor ROFL
I shall say "Roses are Everywhere" in the vase, test tube, on the wall, dining table, yard, garden and EVERYWHERE. It's quite a scene. Visit Floria 2011 before it ends on 17th July :D
Putrajaya Flower & Garden Festival 2011
Date: 9th - 17th July 2011
Venue: Waterfront, Precinct 2, Putrajaya
Theme: Roses Are Forever
Opening Hours:9am – 10pm (Monday-Thursday)9am – 12midnight (Friday-Sunday)
Free admission!
beautiful :)
Too bad I'm not around, if not I'll definitely pay this flower showcase a visit ): There's really a lot of So many roses! :O
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