Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sneak Peek of Graduation Photo-shooting Session

Kinda depressed to call this graduation photo-shooting lol anyway These are some photos behind the scene of the photo-shooting session with my housemates before we gonna wave good bye next week after the last paper *sad* 

#1 The famous ladang One thing to be proud of studying in UPM is... the scenery here is really really beautiful :)) 
#2 My housemates :) We've been staying together for 4 years.
Notice that I'm the only one wearing that colourful tee? Supposedly there're 4 of us will be wearing that to form a theme but eventually everyone abandoned me and selected dress =.=" what's wrong with the colourful paddle pop shirt? I really think that colour is nice...*sobs*
#3 Dragon girl!
#4 Playing with bubbles
#5 I love the big bubble at the left :D
#6 Nerdy rabbit LOL
#7 I love this the most :)
#8 KLIA railway behind LOL proud to say that we have railway in Bkt Ekspo UPM  

More to come :) Stay tuned. 


Hilda Milda™ said...

This place looks familiar! Did astro or my fm djs went there and film an cny mv there? O_O Anyway, nice photos especially the one the four of you lying on the grass :D

Anonymous_X said...

Great shots...esp with the dragon one. Haha.

SuFang (Careen) said...

@Hilda: Yeah I think so if not mistaken :D
@Anonymous_X: Thanks!

Henry Tan said...

wow!! very very nice!
graduation also got photo shoot!
really so syok! hahaha

Xue Ren said...

nice shots there with ur friends! :D

Anonymous said...

Having a good time with friends is always the best things in our life. Nice shots by the way.
Man vs. Woman

SuFang (Careen) said...

Thanks Henry, Xueren, and FreeMahesa! I really enjoyed the photoshooting :D